Bellona is said to be the one of those gods whose presence was ominous. In short she was called numinous gods of Roman. She is also supposed to accompany Romans with them in wards and battles.Her name is derived from the Latin word for “war” or “bellum”. Earlier she was called Duellona which was more ancient word for “war”.
Since she is said to accompany Romans in war, she was said to be either sister, wife or daughter of Mars. She had a great importance politically. Whenever there was war strategy to be discussed they were done in Temple of Bellonae or Temple of Bellona. In Greek mythology she has been identified as Enyo. Bellona is also identified with Mars’s female cult partner Nerio.If we look at Greek mythology about Enyo, then we come to know that she was child of Zeus and Hera. Enyo had a child with Ares (Mars), Enyalius, who was also god of war, but a minor.
If you pay attention to her picture, you might notice she has worn an armour.
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