Hour 6 : 5:30
She said nothing, which meant that she believed me to be at her side, good for me. Silence prevailed for few moments, which I utilized to look at my watch. It had its loose arms at 5:30 am. My dad always said that I should get a digital clock as I always made mistake in finding difference between 4:30 and 5:30, it always looked similar to me. Today it didn’t. Today was different.
“Yes, I told them, but it wasn’t much help, you see life isn’t always fair.”
“But wasn’t it’s your life; I mean you have to decide whom you want to live with and all.”
“Big deal!”
Quite taken aback, I said, “What? Why do you say that?”
The same looks in her eyes and a little sarcastic smile this time on face.
“Have you ever been in love?”
People say women are unpredictable, I’ meeting one right now. She just surprises me every passing moment. This time, little attacking on me.
“Do you love someone? At least, I mean even have crush on someone.”
“Umm…err…well…there have been crushes, but I don’t think now it’s still there. Why do you ask?”
“How you would you feel when everyone in the world you know betray you, starting from the person you love the most? Believe me its disgusting feeling. It feels like you have been stripped from every right of being a human, let alone being a daughter, sister and lover.”
“What happened exactly, what made you to leave your home forever? If you want to talk about it?”
She picked the water bottle again to her lips. The pinkish lips. She took few large gulps. This reminded me of my boss. He did exactly the same when he was about to give a presentation. I hated myself at very this moment, here was a girl who has just left her home forever and I was comparing her with my boss.
“I was betrayed by some of my own people. The person with whom I was in love for 2 years, he didn’t had guts to stand beside me, my parents who wanted to sell me to some rich guy in pretext of marriage. I so hate them all right now. I actually now loath myself because I have been with them , living with them, tried to be with them when they were down, when they needed someone’s shoulder to cry on. And what did I gain out of it? This day? This loneliness and betrayal and…and… my this life which stays ahead of me.”
I quietly said to myself, “Pretty fucked up.”
“Yeah, it is, pretty fucked up. I don’t know why I was blinded by what that I couldn’t see the characters of those people. Was I a burden for them? Why did they wanted to get rid of me?”
“I guess they didn’t to know you better. They didn’t know your importance or maybe they are just smaller being, worthless cheap guys.”
I didn’t knew why I was angry actually on her parents and that stupid guy with whom she was in relation for two year, and that’s too long for me. She was no one for me. Just a stranger.
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