Aurora was goddess if dawn. Her Greek counterpart is Eos. Hesiod said she was daughters of Titans, Hyperion and Theia. Since she was goddess of dawn it was said that she renews every morning and announce the arrival of sun, his brother, Helios who was later associated with Apollo. She also had a sister, Luna or the moon.
Aurora had four children’s, the Anemoi or the winds. These Anemoi’s were wind gods and were responsible for change in climate and seasons. They were
Boreas : North wind and commander of cold winter air.
Notus : South wind and late summer and autumn
Zephyrus : West wind and ruler of spring and early summer breezes.
Eurus : The east wind and very different from all the above three. He was however only mentioned later by poets in poetry and their stories.
Coming back to Aurora, she appeared in Latin poetry as lover of prince of Troy, Tithonus. The funny thing was that Tithonus was mortal and Aurora a god, so she asked Zeus for his immortality. Zeus granted her wish, but she completely failed to understand her mistake by not asking for eternal youth as well, resulting, Tithonus grew older till eternity till Aurora herself turned him into grasshopper.
Ladies you know!
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