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after thought - I, Me and Myself

Recently I met Me and Myself. Nice guys they were, but when they left, the left me confusing.
I was just sitting besides window, when outside I saw Me, he was calling me down. But as usual I was too lazy to move. So I called him up. Its been long time since I have seen Me. He rang my doorbell as if he was controlling his pee for a long time and he wanted relief. As soon as I opened the door, he simple burst in and said "what man! where are you, long time no see huh?" to this simple question I couldn't answer. I don't know what I have been doing and where I was going too? So kept my trademark silence and gave him my traditional haggard look. I replied "Man, I'm fed up with my life."
Me was shocked and shouted at me "what? you want to become monk or want to commit suicide?"
I smiled and replied "Damn you! you only want to kill me, that's all" I was kidding of course, Me has been my best friend for a long time, just I didn't had time to see Me. He was as usual full of energy and full of crazy ideas. When I was a kid, no one could actually believe that who stole Guava, commonly known as Amrood. Neither we knew, because we both did the same. Doing mischief in classroom was our daily chore. And when caught I and Me were called.
This made me remember of my another friends Myself, haven't seen him lately as well, but hes cool with that.
Me shook me and brought back to real world. I asked him "what about you, what are you doing these days."
His answer was plain and simple "Dude, what do you think, was alone and bored as well since you left me."
I said smiling "why? you had a huge friends circle, wheres everyone? or you too want to become a monk like me?"
when he saw me laughing then he was furious "Don't you know, they don't care about Me, they just want to have fun, dude and tired as well sometimes, am not a joker, who make people laugh everytime they meet me."
I was really surprised by Me, he was so different today.
I said him that we must call Myself, its been long since we all sat together. Me was bubbly again as ever.
After 5 rings Myself picked up my call, I said "don't you keep you cellphone near you?"
Myself replied "whats the fuss about, whats troubling you? and why are you venting out on me? is Me there?"
I was surprised by knowing that this guy still knows me very well, Myself not only guess my frame of mind but also detected that Me was there.
I wanted to escape this question as I didn't had and answer yet, so simply asked Myself to come over for a chat, he was ready anytime.
Since me arrived he has been scratching his head like hes in deep thought, and when i asked him what he was thinking, Me said "there is this problem with my PC man, its troubling me a lot, am fed up with this computer."
and I thought that he was thinking something deep.
Fortunately before I had to answer Me Myself came over.
he chose to sit on sofa, unlike ME and I who prefer bed, after-all its the most comfortable thing in world
Myself came and sat with his hands folded looking over the top of his glasses, as waiting for me to start.
Myself has been a perfect philosopher for me, he took me in and out of problem with an ease.
After Me and Myself shared there answers about how they were and the most common answer came out that they were fine.
"So, you looked ruffled?" Myself asked me, "Yeah, I am little troubled, troubled by the fact that why are we alive?"
Me jumped back " what do you mean why we are alive? don't you want to live?"
I said "yeah man, but why, what are we supposed to do? just breathe? just eat? just sleep and stay awake? what am supposed to do here?"
Me again argued "what man, have fun, why are you so worried?"
I snapped back "have fun, at cost of my mental peace? I'm fed up actually."
Me started to say something but Myself intervened he spoke slowly "what is actually bothering you, i know its not life, but there is certainly something else."
"duh!" I said "if not life then what else remains dude? anyway to tell you I'm fed up of this Hippocratic world, people say something, do something, want something, get nothing, one boy loving 3 girls and those 3 girls loving 3 each and a girl, whats happening? where is the love and compassion and friendship and trust?"
to this Me started singing "where is the looove..where issss the looove"
I and Myself gave him a stern look.
I continued "Why Im expected to be more mature and not fool around and have to understand what people are saying, why i cant be like others who dont think and just live, aimlessly and somebody please remove these thoughts from my head"
Myself replied, strangly with half smile "Yaar, first of all sit down dont run in room ,you will bump into something" I listend to him and found a corner of my own bed with was largely occupied by Me. Myself continued " see what you are telling about being frustrated for being expected to be more mature and understanding the thought and talks of other people and in return they dont understand you, right? if you know that you are matured then why make fuss out of it, why not be happy about the fact that you have an upper hand than anyone else.OK. and about love, listen buddy there is always negative with positive." Me interrupted "yea right, good girls come with high prices, they are expensive ." Myself almost didnt hear he continued "listen man, you have seen today's life style, you dont even get time for peeing, how come you will able to give or take or create or make love you anyone in the world. plus they golden age of love has already lost somewhere with industrial revolution." Me got interested and asked Myself that how was love related to industrial revolution, the idea was absurd ofcourse but quite cool.
Myself looked amused, he always was when he knew something what we didnt. he replied "tell me why did you study so much? to get a good job right? what is a good job, certainly the one which pays you more, and why do you want to earn more, because things have goon costly, and you tell me(pointing at Me) why things have become costly?"
Me meekly said "industrial revolution?"
"No" replied Myself "the wars actually and industrial revolution initiated wars, this relation might look absurd and really really long but makes sense, isnt it."
I needed time to let Myself's theory to sink in.
after a long silence, Myself understood that it was hard for us to relate everything directly to our personal life.
he said "Ok, lets go from other direction, our lifestyle has become such that we need to do that tobe part of system, so actually we have to do wrong things to be a part of wrong society." Myself's hopeful eyes were on us hoping that we understood atleast some part.
completely fed up and dejected he said " look at Me, tell me Me you have girlfriend right? do you love her? means really are you in love with her?"
Me was taken aback with suddenness and sincerity of the question. I f he was with someone else he would had lied, but we were his best buddies so he said "No man, just tp. just now felt the truth when you asked"
"see" Myself continued without wasting the moment "this is what i wanted to point out that today we do things which actually we dont want to but loo at Me he has a gf who he doesnt even love, then whats the point of having a gf?","because everyone now has a gf or bf and these terms and titles are more like a medal or prize you have won, they are like conquest, but there is no real love between them, there might be but that probability is very very and extremely low as compared to what is just going as tp's"
I understood his point now but wanted to ask him on more thing and i did "so why we are doing this, if everyone knows that they are wrong and they are doing wrong why are they still doing so?"
Myself pointed at Me and said " he will give that answer, he knows more about that, ask him why did he admit in front of us that he doesn't love her gf"
Me meekly and slowly replied "dude, people will laugh at me, saying that im crazy and spending so much on her just for tp and stuff."
Myself broke into full smile from half smile "exactly, the fear of admitting that you are wrong makes you do wrong things, you know you dont love that particular person still either be under her thumbs or be a person boasting that you finally conquered her. But this is sick. and it the truth"
I said "man, this is so not good, we are almost degraded, this means we actually love nothing and nobody, we are just born to reproduce that's all?"
Myself came near bed, and kept his gaze out of window "unfortunately yes, today we are just a part of well planned fuck, thats all, sorry for the harshness of language but thats what we are and thats what we will be doing."

we sat looking out of window I, Me and Myself, Its being long time we have been together, and we just sat there.....
you must them too...Me and Myself....find them and call them home sometime

credit to a blogger on wordpress whos idea i adapted

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