actually there can be, for ages theoreticians have argued that there is a fourth dimension.
at the end of this blog you will in fact ask yourself, what did i say is it true, or i just wasted your time, blogspot's space and my bandwidth. :P
lets look into history a bit, when newton saw apple falling towards earth he felt something was wrong, he wondered why the apple fell down and why didn't it was there on tree or why it didn't hover in air, why it fell down.
since then after the discovery of gravity he never rested, he did every possible discovery which later on helped us (for few people like me it was burden in schools :P )
then came in Einstein, with his famous theory of relativity, and time dilation theory and space travel theories etc etc,
he was the first guy in fact to propose that there might be a fourth dimension.
first to understand anything about this so called fourth dimension, lets look into the matter which made him curious to even say that there was a fourth dimension.
lets start with dimension, what is dimension, who is it?
the actual defination of dimension is the magnitude of something in a particular direction (especially length or width or height),
did you notice anything in this sentence
the main culprit is this definition itself. it says that dimension is the magnitude of something in particular direction especially length or width or height the definition itself says that there can be only 3 dimension, so people wondered why only 3 factors, why not a fourth one?
to understand it more closely....hoping that you are familiar with class 8 geometry
consider a point,

a point is nothing but a dimensionless thing, it doesn't has thickness, length nor height, it is a dimensionless thing hanging in air which assigns itself to some place in space.
so now we are clear on fact that point is dimensionless is line

take a point and pull it to some length so as it follows straight motion, what do you get, yes a line.
so i can say, that a line is actually group of points kept close enough and in straight way so they group together to form a line, nice and easy, and since it is made up of points...lots of point so it will have its property of being dimensionless in terms of thickness and height, however it now has some length.
this line now can be rotated through an axis i.e a point
try it yourself ,draw a line and try to rotate it, you will see that you always have to select a point to do so.
so this is fact that line can be rotated only through a point as an axis

next....take 3 more similar lines, of same length and join then such that they are 90º, looks like square to me, to you?
so now we are meeting this new thing called 2 dimensional structure, as it has length and breadth,
now lets rotate this square as well, we can rotate it in two ways, at one apex, i.e point and one at side, i.e length/breadth.
if i take one more identical square and four more line of same lenght side and join two squares by those lines, i get a cube, nice and good, (most of us have seen Rubik's cube), try to rotates this as well, you can rotate it from its apex, a side as well as whole plane.

so we have now been introduced by all three dimensions
but what about the fourth dimension, where will i draw it, its been said that the fourth dimension can be drawn such that it is perpendicular to all the 3 dimension drawn earlier, practically it is not possible, but theoretically, lets see it,
lets assume that there was a flatland, where everything was flat, everything was in 2-D,
people are square, rectangle, triangle, circle, line etc all 2-D.
so these people will know only two dimension, forward-backward, left-right, but not up-down.
these people will see edges of other persons, since they have no height so they don't know about anything like height and up and down,
one day an apple falls on this flatland
now people don't take heed to this because all they see is that there are some 3 odd shaped circle which moves together, they wonder might these be some CIA agents, as they stick so closely together and move at one and the same time,
then apple finds it nagging and kicks one square, for the first time in his life square moves up, and all of sudden he see something very big in red which is un-usually above as well as below him....
people in flatland wonder where did Mr.Square go all of sudden, he simply vanished...
when that square returns back to flatland, people ask him "where the heck did you go?"
he simply replies "i think i was up!"
other people think he has gone insane as there is no such thing called up, and his family always had delusions :P
same is with us....since we live in 3D we have hard time imagine

but wait again, if there was a fourth dimension such that it was perpendicular to every other axis or direction,
thinking of it, we cant imagine there could be anything like that, but if see the flatland case then arent we sure missing something?
but still if we have a direction such hat it is perpendicular to every other direction then how will it rotate?
at axis? or at apex? or at side?
well buddy, it revolves around itself, didn't get it? think you are in 4th dimension, then you can rotate such that your internal organs come out and your skin goes inside, but after some time, skin comes out and organs go back inside :) not so pleasant right....well the pleasant diagram showing is below.
just imagine if we somehow manage to go into this fourth dimension, wouldn't it be wonderful experience (except the part where viscera comes out )
but through ages people debate they were abducted by aliens and had out of body experience some even say that they dreamt of something that happened to them next morning, i believe they went in fourth dimension, they went there and saw things in fourth
i believe that if we could find a way to go and come back from fourth dimension then we will able to see our future, and even change it..........think about it
to be continued.....