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Cosmos - The Fourth Dimension

probably you might be thinking am out of my mind, there is not such thing called fourth dimension,
actually there can be, for ages theoreticians have argued th
at there is a fourth dimension.
at the end of this blog you will in fact ask yourself, what did i say is it true, or i just wasted your time, blogspot's space and my bandwidth. :P
lets look into history a bit, when newton saw apple falling to
wards earth he felt something was wrong, he wondered why the apple fell down and why didn't it was there on tree or why it didn't hover in air, why it fell down.
since then after the discovery of gravity he never rested, he did every possible discovery which later on helped us (for few people like me it was burden in schools :P )
then came in Einstein, with his famous theory of relativity, and time dilation theory and space travel theories etc etc,
he was the first guy in fact to propose that there might be
a fourth dimension.

first to understand anything about this so called fourth dimension, lets look into the matter which made him curious to even say that there was a fourth dimension.
lets start with dimension, what is dimension, who is it?
the actual defination of dimension is the magnitude of something in a particular direction (especially length or width or height),
did you notice anything in this sentence
the main culprit is this definition itself. it says that dimensi
on is the magnitude of something in particular direction especially length or width or height the definition itself says that there can be only 3 dimension, so people wondered why only 3 factors, why not a fourth one?
to understand it more closely....hoping that you are familiar with class 8 geometry
consider a point,
a point is nothing but a dimensionless thing, it doesn't has thickness, length nor height, it is a dimensionless thing hanging in air which assigns itself to some place in space.
so now we are clear on fact that point is dimensionless is line

take a point and pull it to some length so as it follows straight motion, what do you get, yes a line.
so i can say, that a line is actually group of points kept close enough and in straight way so they group together to form a line, nice and easy, and since it is made up of points...lots of point so it will have its property of being dimensionless in terms of thickness and height, however it now has some length.
this line now can be rotated through an axis i.e a point
try it yourself ,draw a line and try to rotate it, you will see that you always have to select a point to do so.
so this is fact that line can be rotated only through a point as an axis

next....take 3 more similar lines, of same length and join then such that they are 90º, looks like square to me, to you?
so now we are meeting this new thing called 2 dimensional structure, as it has length and breadth,
now lets rotate this square as well, we can rotate it in two ways, at one apex, i.e point and one at side, i.e length/breadth.

if i take one more identical square and four more line of same lenght side and join two squares by those lines, i get a cube, nice and good, (most of us have seen Rubik's cube), try to rotates this as well, you can rotate it from its apex, a side as well as whole plane.

so we have now been introduced by all three dimensions

but what about the fourth dimension, where will i draw it, its been said that the fourth dimension can be drawn such that it is perpendicular to all the 3 dimension drawn earlier, practically it is not possible, but theoretically, lets see it,

lets assume that there was a flatland, where everythi
ng was flat, everything was in 2-D,
people are square, rectangle, triangle, circle, line etc all 2-D.
so these people will know only two dimension, forward-backward, left-right, but not up-down.
these people will see edges of other persons, since they have no height so they don't know about anything like height and up and down,
one day an apple falls on this flatland
now people don't take heed to this because all they see is tha
t there are some 3 odd shaped circle which moves together, they wonder might these be some CIA agents, as they stick so closely together and move at one and the same time,
then apple finds it nagging and kicks one square, for the first time in his life square moves up, and all of sudden he see something very big in red which is un-usually above as well as below him....
people in flatland wonder where did Mr.Square go all of sudden, he simply vanished...
when that square returns back to flatland, people ask him "where the heck did you go?"
he simply replies "i think i was up!"
other people think he has gone insane as there is no such thing called up, and his family always had delusions :P

same is with us....since we live in 3D we have hard time imagine
for fourth dimension,
but wait again, if there was a fourth dimension such that it was perpendicular to every other axis or direction,
thinking of it, we cant imagine there could be anything like that, but if see the flatland case then arent we sure missing something?
but still if we have a direction such hat it is perpendicular to every other direction then how will it rotate?
at axis? or at apex? or at side?
well buddy, it revolves around itself, didn't get it? think you are in 4th dimension, then you can rotate such that your internal organs come out and your skin goes inside, but after some time, skin comes out and organs go back inside :) not so pleasant right....well the pleasant diagram showing is below.
just imagine if we somehow manage to go into this fourth dimension, wouldn't it be wonderful experience (except the part where viscera comes out )
this is called a Tesseract. a four dimensional cube
but through ages people debate they were abducted by aliens and had out of body experience some even say that they dreamt of something that happened to them next morning, i believe they went in fourth dimension, they went there and saw things in fourth
i believe that if we could find a way to go and come back from fourth dimension then we will able to see our future, and even change it..........think about it

to be continued.....

Cosmos - life of a star

last time we discussed about birth of star, now im gonna tell something about there life
unlike us, they live million and billions of year, such is there su
pply of fuel.
such is the big universe and such abundant is hydrogen there that its like almost non-exhaustive
now since the fuel is so much available, that...what the heck should i say about it more...
also the fuel is so much that all stars dont have same mass
if we take sun as scale, the standard, some are smaller than sun, and some are big, bigger, massive than sun
many many times that of sun
this mass alone decides the fate of stars, its already written when the stars have gain there mass that what will happen
to them and how will they die....
yes, stars die too.

lets consider stars with mass less than sun
the stars who have mass less than sun, aren't much event full, they are like under average guy in your class.
they do almost nothing..
actually there mass is less so there gravitational force is also less
than average, which fails to hold gas and dust together. resulting....fusion doesn't takes place so loudly and drastically as in other stars
so it glows lightly..little by little..slowly
and glows with white light, revolving slowly.....its awesome sight for anybody, even soothing, to see this star
it is called white dwarf
it remains as it is. simple, glowing thing, suspend in nothingness of space,
but you might as me, what happens when it runs out of fuel?
well then it stops glowing firstly then once fire is out, gravity comes in,
it shrinks ans shrinks, to such a point where the star becomes very unstable
war rages throughout the star
a war between gravity and fire...gravity pressurizes star to such extent that temperature again stars to rise, and then
one fine day......temperature reaches to such high point that it simply booms out.
it shatters, bursts up, blows up in pieces
leaving behind nothing but ashes and residue
of what left helium (hydrogen fuses to form helium)
it isn't spectacular as what happens to massive stars

imagine a star10-20 time size of sun
such are objects up there in sky
what happen to these is bit similar to smaller stars at starting, but later, they glow like anything
the amount of energy sun gives us in one year there might be a
star so massive which will give that kind of energy in one sec.
but fuel is abundant but not unlimited, someday there fuel goes out as well

then what happens is not less than what happens in some Hollywood sci-fi movies

first it gets extinguished due to lack of fuel, then stars to contract, pressure increases.
then something strange happens....
its outer shell starts expanding, which mostly contains hydrogen and it still has fire in it,
slowly and slowly the outer shell expands, engulfing the nearby planets and there satellites.
its a prefect villain any solar system might want to ha
ve. the ever expanding outer shell containing hydrogen which is burning like residual fuel. slowly and engulfing other plants.
but this was the story of outer shell, what about the inner stuff.......
well the inner stuff which is again some left hydrogen and converted helium, stars to compress, due to excessive mass and gravity it compress quickly, and temperature rises as well, which in turn ignites the helium again, and it starts to glow with white light...
and soon due to so high temperature, it runs out of fuel(helium), then what,
then helium which has been converted to lithium will burn, this will continue till..there is balance between mass and fuel
but this is not the end
bigger stars i.e these stars have there fate written to be some
thing else...
these stars collapse and crushes itself with there own gravity, so tightly so highly packed.
imagine sun packed in your palm, such high
is the density of it.
these are called Black Holes

black hole are such things,
they have such high gravity that even light cannot escape.
you might question me, if light doesn't escape from black hole how the heck did one find then,

simple answer to this is that look for a spot where you cant see nothing but find something missing in below pictures.....on of it shows a black hole feasting on a nearby star.

be continued

after thought - license to silence.......

there was a silence,
the unwanted license,
like last September,
when snow fell,
and million hearts melt,
then why was i frozen,
like and amber of Trojan,
why i kept loosing.

like last September,
when a crime was done,
leaving a blind one,
witnessing the causing,
why i kept loosing,

like the last September,
the spring was lost in time,
and bringing the castaways,
of ghost and lost,
and still i kept loosing,

like last September,
to cover all the tracks,
to fill all breaks and cracks,
but my ceiling kept oozing,
still why i kept loosing,

why i fell no remorse
of sorrow and many more (very much and many more)
those of undone and overdue
like paying my life's rent
i don't like loosing

the long silence
which was the license
for my life and cry
it's still under the Grey skies
and still i kept loosing

Cosmos - A star is born.....somewhere

in last post i introduced you to fact that stars were actually nothing but ball of gas and dust, but heck why they do glow?
most of us have only seen a bulb and tube light (some even see fluorescent watches as light source) but yes stars too glow like all these, in fact they have there own light, just like our beloved sun who is million-billion years old. our grandpa

to understand why they glow, we would have to go to molecular level, even towards atoms.
in our universe we have hydrogen in abundant which is a perfect fuel.
so far so good, hydrogen is fuel and it catches fire and starts burning, but wait, who lights hydrogen? who has the ability to light this hydrogen who's power still cannot be trapped by us humans?

answer : gravity
strange na! see, e know that everything is attracting each other, on earth even im attracting my keyboard with same force as it is attracting me, but it never overcomes gravitational force of earth nor i overcome my mass. so we are both at same place as we were, but in space, its different story. in space the only force is gravity but not by another thing, but themselves
like take a big block of mass, some stone, now it is hanging there is space, but due to its mass and Newtons theory it will start attracting things/gasses/dust/smaller stones towards itself, a more practical example is earth and moon.
so when the gasses start to get collect at one place due to attractive force between them, as there mass increases, there force of gravity also increases, increasing the force of gravitation, hence increasing the mass, this continues eternally (some million years, for us this is eternal :P ) then as the mass increases, pressure inside increases as well, which in turn pushes the hydrogen atoms in there closer and closer,
there something happens
the pressure ever rising
the temperature ever rising
hydrogen atoms coming closer and closer
and then suddenly.........
the two hydrogen atoms fuse (hence fusion), and release a massive amount of energy and high temperature

almost like 20 Hiroshima and Nagasaki in single blow, which ignites the rest of hydrogen
and a star is born........somewhere
which will continue to glow eternally our sun, like the nearest those twinkling little things up above the sky......there how everything started
have you ever heard of fourth dimension?
lets talk about it in nxt edition :)

Cosmos-Have you ever wonderd

before reading any further i would like you to ask yourself, are you alone?
no idiot, i didnt mean in the room,
just think are you alone in this universe....

i think not....but what the heck is that to do
with our life?
nothing in particular to be honest, but i
took some time from my helter-skelter life to wait, stand, look up, watch those beautiful stars up there.
arent they beautiful !

but wait, before i get caught in there charm, i ask myself, where are they? who are they?
why are they up there and so small?

answer to these question are also with a 5yr old child, who knows the nursery rhyme "twinkle twinkle little stars"
he knows "it up above the world so high", so do we,
but how much 'above'
arent you intrigued by this large distance, aren't you fascinated by the awesomeness of those blinking things.
lets start from base.
for those who aren't/weren't a science student, light travels at 299,792,458 m/s
aprox:300,000,000 m/s or 30,00,000 km/s

if you want an estimate we drive bike normally at not more than 60km/hr i.e 16.67m/s
and here we are seeing speed of light at whopping 17,983,950.7 times than ours,
this is madness even to think about comparing, but just to show actually what is light
did you know that it takes approx 8 mins for sunlight to reach surface of earth, imagine light traveling at such enormous speed still taking 8 mins to reach earth, 149,565,511 kilometers.
since all these units are becoming too small for us to calculate and even write here, lets look towards our maths and physics textbook, there is defined a new unit, light years, dont get baffled
it is actually distance traveled by light in one year time
one light year=9.4605284 × 1012 kilometers
so far so good, whats next now

well sorry to deviate you from beautiful stars :P

but this was the setting of what is going to follow.

okay, so we were looking up the sky, and wondering what they are, and where are, who they are
lets go step by step

most of the people like me might know what they are.
they are nothing but a ball of gas and dust, gas is mostly hydrogen
they why the heck are they glowing, well to understand this, i feel is necessary for us to understand what is fission
now if you have seen that wiki page, then in simple language i will s
ay that fusion is actually joining of two atom/atomic nuclei, what happens is when these gas molecule are packed tightly , so tightly packed that the nuclear forces between the electron and proton loose its battle to gravitational and external pressure. will explain more soon

these stars glow because of fusion, fusion releases high amount of energy which is still uncontrollable for us humans, and havnt yet able to setup such device that could hold the energy coming out of fusion. sun is perfect example
actually sun is a mid-sized star. which has fuel almost unlimited that it has been burning continuously for last 4.5 billion years old, and whats your age :P
like sun there are many other stars, and those are there up are gas ball but some are much and many time heavier than sun, but now wonder why they are so small like speck of dirt whereas sun is so big enough to make us sweat in summer days?
answer : distance in light years (now you know why i wasted your time :P )
4.22 light years or 9.46 x 1012 km long way.....still closest
its name is Proxima Centauri.
welcome to our nearest neighbor :)

more in next version

after thought - call me anytime

if one day you feel like crying...
call me
i don't promise you that i will make you laugh,
but i can cry with you

if one day you want to run away
don't be afraid to call me
i don't promise to ask you to stay,
but i can run with you

if one day you don't want to listen anybody,
call me....
i promise to be very quiet

if one day you call
and there is no answer...
come fast to see me,
perhaps i need you

after thought - floating blues....

am i dream
or you are just the feeling
am i body
or its thirst of my soul
im searching truth
out in the sky
answer is far away.
are you near me?
sometimes im dew
sometimes im new
when not with you
im of the few
answer is far away
are you near me?

after thought - eyes again

whenever i kiss
those beautiful eyes
sky pours down
a shimmering light
flowers sprout up
in deep deep deserts
and the thirsty earth
gets its morning dew

whenever i kiss
those beautiful eyes
sky pours down
a shimmering light
for a moment
i forget all the pain in me
for a moment
faces forget tears and smile

whenever i kiss
those beautiful eyes
sky pours down
a shimmering light

after thought - torn after born

i've been alone all long
i've been tormened all along
if you wished to leave
your wish was to be fullfilled
if you wanted to not hear
those words that described me

i'm now so tired of all this
want to runway
and hold one's arms
or hide in one's heart

i've been losing all long
i've been searching all along
if you say im not good
i would be bad, again
if you blame me,those undone
i would take it to grave, again

why do we dream
why do we expect
why is everything confusing
and why is everything messed

let this burn ,me
i would crash, crash and burn
let it catch,me
i would accuse, accuse myself

as always, all along
as always, all alone

after thought - mechanical

i prayed
i played
i did all possible
heard all plausible
and wish i
was mechanical
so that i
couldnt feel pain
that i had
couldnt blow tear
that i hold
coudnt see sunrise
could be more mechanical

what i had
was fantasy
a little more
of everything
but not enough
a little less
of nothing
but isnt there

too many option
but leaves no choice

i tried
i cried
i did all to fly
and wish i
was mechanical
so that i
could runaway
from generosity
could diffuse
by in guilt
couldn see sunrise
could be more mechanical

what i had
was used best
a small mistake
made me mess
a finale grand
of my life
but isnt here

sortsightness effects
as it rains on
as it fails on
could be more incomplete
could be more mechanical
its a deal,with the seal
will be more mechanical

after thought - hide-n-seek

the wind gushes in
gives me little push
pushing a bit near to edge
i wait to fall over
closing my world
in a single pill
i swallow it many time
a day, a week, a year
by my passing memory
and comfort within grief
my life turn absurd
with the ire and irony
searching for an option
to live and reside..
can i run for my life
i can run but not hide

again the wind gushes
giving me desire
passing through my hair
making me numb, or comfort
i wait to pass by
closing my world
in a single pill
far away from history
every day, every week, each year
making new memories
new comfort within grief
but i enjoy it all
with me and myself
coz i dont have any option
to live on..alone...
i cant run from my life
i cant run and cant hide

after thought - eyes

its not my fault
i couldn't hold nemore
they sparkle like dew
and are blue as ocean
they shine like a gem
and are soft as air
they are two
and i was one
the beautiful pair of eyes
stole my sleep at once

so beautiful and so pure
when i kiss them
they taste sugar for sure
they hold the truth
and behold my time
they freeze me with the stare
coz its captivating glare
and still keep looking
till dont know when..

its not my fault
i fell for them
they are the one
who stole my heart
since then
it beats at your blink
they are two and im one
the beautiful pair of eyes
i want them to be mine at once

one thing i fear for now
shall no tear flow down
coz it will bleed my heart
and tear my soul apart
they are my only fortune
else i care for who.....

after thought - Dreams

there will be a day
a day when i will be with you
day and night
in every thought
and every single cell

your beautiful eyes
and soft aroma of your hair
captures me
and my senses
making me numb again
there will be day
a day when i could touch those
day and night
with my perfect desire
and my sweet dreams
those cherry cheeks
and tender twitchy your lips
stuns meand my soul
making me insane again
there would be a day
a day when i would
wake up of my dream
and misty desire
like a dew
in sun beam
in warm air...

if there was a day.............