all you guys might be wondering what has happened to me, how i come switch myself to this situation :P
relax, i haven't deviated from the original topic of cosmos, universe, but just taking to the other side of theories of cosmos, to be precise, I'm going to talk from Indian point of view.
lets first see whats life.
we can certainly define "not dead" as "alive" or "full of life"
but this is unclear, since we don't have fixed clear and independent definition of life
does life means consciousness?
consciousness in terms of knowing whats going around us, feeling the feel, feeling pain, joy, sorrow etc
seams simple isn't it
but tell me one thing that if this is consciousness then what about those people who as in coma?
they cannot feeling anything in medical terms yet we categorize them as undead or alive
here the whole definition of "life" or "alive" changes
i say, we don't know yet what is life and being alive actually means.
for understanding the meaning or getting definition of life we have to look into our Upanishads they have great deal of knowledge about what i life and what is death
talking of death lets explore this section as well
so what is death
again as it has been defined, death is the state where one looses consciousness
but here we can look towards those unfortunate people who are, or were in coma.
so what is life and death,
it has been question of ages long that what happens after death, what happens to that particular person that dies?
what is lost of him?
to this i would like to introduce you to a well known person, gawd :P
i don't believe in god, but i believe in cosmos, and its also called bhramand
Brahmans actually means big, very big, very very big
it has been clearly stated in Upanishads and Veda Purana's that god is everywhere
by this they actually meant that god is Brahmans,
as i earlier stated in my blogs that matter and energy are inter-convertible.
so whats the deal with this has to do with god or Brahmans,
you still didn't get it?
well think about it, there is this universe, and there is our small earth, on this small earth we are smaller, and in us, yet smaller is our heart and brain, and still smaller are those cells, and it is made up of matter
just the same matter of which the universe,
those cells have energy which is again we get from matters we eat
so aren't matter and energy inter convertible?
then what has "the god" has to do with creation at all?
if matter and energy was inter convertible then there was no need of super power,
or if i say correctly then there was no need of "god", then why in India we have 56 crore god and goddess?
how come they even came into existence
if we go back to over holy books, specially Gita we find Krishna preaching Arjuna when Arjuna said why he would have to kill his own people, and wont he be a sinner,
to this Krishna said the same thing which i have been blabbering but in different language.....he simply said, souls cannot be created nor destroyed, they are always there, only there bodies die.
isn't this similar to what we are discussing today?
coming back to the title, life after death
if we believe Krishna and Einstein then we have something in us that never "dies" or "cease to exists"
what is that, we don't know
who gave us that, we know
yes the universe gave that power to us, in us, to be immortal in some other sense which we have yet to know, yet to discover.
some people say they saw ghost of there loved one
on medical terms they are delusioned, on Adhyatmik terms they have just seen the soul, that particular power of cosmos or universe which has been given to us, and if we continue believing Krishna then according to him those are the souls who haven't overcome earthy values etc etc.....
I'm not comfortable even with this idea and find this very, utterly controversial to even to complete the sentence, as i believe in science and universe, i will just add and say same thing what he said in today's clear language,
when people see ghost, they might come across the power of universe which hasn't yet found balance or enough energy to convert itself into another matter, too keep the balance of universe that energy keeps wandering which might be experienced by some very delicate and sensitive persons.
however, i haven't yet come across any such experience, and my mind says i have yet to understand and receive this awesome power of understand the greater being and heart says that I'm not meant to understand it yet.......................
this might shock you the least that i am and Atheist.
to be continued :)
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Cosmos -Mysterious Black holes
welcome back if you are here again, and hello if you are first time
for the first times, i hope you know what is black hole
because to know the mystery of black hole, you have to actually know what is exactly black hole.
to put in simple and pure words, black is nothing but a very densely packed mass of gasses and dust, which has so high magnetic field that nothing can escape it, not even light, well, when you read this line, i am making an understatement.
you should get this in your head very loud and clear that even light cannot escape from black hole.
think about it, isnt this like some amazing fairy tale?
well if you get that kind of feeling right now, i would like to welcome you to the universe
welcome to the world since you have taken some time out of your busy schedule :)
in last few post, i mentioned how black holes are formed, to brush that a little, lets revise it point wise
black holes are formed because
1:heavy initial mass of star
2:burning out of fuel
4:compression due to gravity to extreme condition
so these factor determine or tell the story of formation of a black hole
a black can be termed as goon of our universe, like some gangster on loose...who will destroy everything that comes in its way.
and goons are always bad.
what makes them bad? why are they bad? they destroy things that's why?
no thats not the only one reason, but sure its one of the major reason
black holes are, as i earlier said,mass of highly packed gas and dust, today i would like to refine my statement, which would remind you that it is actually a dead star
black holes is mass of highly packed debris of dead star. sounds spooky to me :P
anyway, its actually debris of whats left from star when it die, how?
well see this, a star massive in size, so powerful that it liberates the same of amount of energy in one second as sun take a year to give. and that all, a star which is tens and thousand times bigger than sun itself, just guess the size, what would be like to stay in a solar system with such star and have it as sun, better be the ninth planet for it :P
when star run out of fuel, it extinguishes, what left is lithium or carbon or any higher atmoic number bearing metal in periodic table
for e.g lets assume that its made of carbon
okay, so here we have so much carbon that its ball was many times bigger than sun, suddenly after its off, the whole mass is concentrated not bigger than the sun,in fact many times smaller than sun.
such is the density, such is the compactness, such is the gravity inside.
and this dudes, is the real culprit.
this gravity due to the awesome mass collapsed, is so strong that it simply devourers anything that might be in its way and still be hungry for more. till date never anyone has seen a black hole dying, we have just seen them eating, gobbling up planets-suns-stars-and even galaxies
dont be surprised, there is more to add to this.
have you seen carefully to a glass of water when you stir it with spoon?
what happens?
a vortex is created, right
well imagine something like that big rotating at very high speed, what will be size of vortex
but wait here, aint i wrong about vortex, here on earth when you stir water, you are actually stiring the whole medium, and in space there is no medium, so how can a vortex be there?
when a black hole is revolving it too creates a vortex and the vortex are at its poles, the poles on which it is spinning
this vortex is made up of dust and gas which black hole once devoured, x-rays, u-v's, radio waves and cosmic waves
and believe it or not, these vortex are so long, sometimes even span through and through a galaxy
these vortex are so large and powerful that they can ev
en destroy a galaxy from light years of distance
but these are less destructive from the hunger and striving of the black hole. its mass keeps increasing and hence gravity
nothing can ever come out of it. on earth we k
now that speed of light is so very fast, plus its not made of particle so we cant make a device which can bend light except change the medium, not by attraction
if ever we created it, it will first destroy our planet by attracting everything, including the hot-molten-iron-lava inside, and turning whole planet upside down, well we will talk about it later, light, focus on light.
bottom line we cannot bend light by attraction, but black holes can, there force of gravity is such that it not only bends light but even absorbs it all the way.
your next question must be that, if they dont have there own light (as then name suggest-black) and they dont reflect light visible to our eyes, then how the hell are they detected at first place.
black holes are not pinned at one place, they move, and we humans have a big keen eye up there called Hubble telescope, it keeps 24X7, 365days its eyes looking for changes, when astronomers find that there was a no stars visible in that area and after few years suddenly becomes visible, they match years of photographs and then after there finding they declare that there might be/is a black hole there, destroying things.
such are black holes detected in space.
but i too am still wondering about a fact,
we know that light is energy, infact every thing in this universe is energy as per Einstein energy and mass are inter-convertible, so where is this energy it being converted into mass, if yes, what kind of mass is that?
what metal/non metal it converts itself?
what will happen when the mass increases like anything and it again becomes very big o initial size but huge mass.
my question is only, 'then what?'
we dont know yet, if you think you know, tell me as well,
why we dont know because our time frame is much smaller than that of stars, like we see moths, they are born and die on same day, there lifepsan is of 24hrs, but from there perspective they are born, become adult, mate and give eggs, and then die, for then we, humans are like those stars to us,, eternal-immovable-dormant-mysterious etc etc
so we have to wait for years, maybe decades, maybe centuries to get an answer of what might be happening to black holes...........
what might happen?
for the first times, i hope you know what is black hole
because to know the mystery of black hole, you have to actually know what is exactly black hole.
to put in simple and pure words, black is nothing but a very densely packed mass of gasses and dust, which has so high magnetic field that nothing can escape it, not even light, well, when you read this line, i am making an understatement.
you should get this in your head very loud and clear that even light cannot escape from black hole.
think about it, isnt this like some amazing fairy tale?
well if you get that kind of feeling right now, i would like to welcome you to the universe
welcome to the world since you have taken some time out of your busy schedule :)
in last few post, i mentioned how black holes are formed, to brush that a little, lets revise it point wise
black holes are formed because
1:heavy initial mass of star
2:burning out of fuel
4:compression due to gravity to extreme condition
so these factor determine or tell the story of formation of a black hole
a black can be termed as goon of our universe, like some gangster on loose...who will destroy everything that comes in its way.
and goons are always bad.
what makes them bad? why are they bad? they destroy things that's why?
no thats not the only one reason, but sure its one of the major reason
black holes are, as i earlier said,mass of highly packed gas and dust, today i would like to refine my statement, which would remind you that it is actually a dead star
black holes is mass of highly packed debris of dead star. sounds spooky to me :P
anyway, its actually debris of whats left from star when it die, how?
well see this, a star massive in size, so powerful that it liberates the same of amount of energy in one second as sun take a year to give. and that all, a star which is tens and thousand times bigger than sun itself, just guess the size, what would be like to stay in a solar system with such star and have it as sun, better be the ninth planet for it :P
when star run out of fuel, it extinguishes, what left is lithium or carbon or any higher atmoic number bearing metal in periodic table
for e.g lets assume that its made of carbon
okay, so here we have so much carbon that its ball was many times bigger than sun, suddenly after its off, the whole mass is concentrated not bigger than the sun,in fact many times smaller than sun.
such is the density, such is the compactness, such is the gravity inside.
and this dudes, is the real culprit.
this gravity due to the awesome mass collapsed, is so strong that it simply devourers anything that might be in its way and still be hungry for more. till date never anyone has seen a black hole dying, we have just seen them eating, gobbling up planets-suns-stars-and even galaxies
dont be surprised, there is more to add to this.
have you seen carefully to a glass of water when you stir it with spoon?
what happens?
a vortex is created, right
well imagine something like that big rotating at very high speed, what will be size of vortex
but wait here, aint i wrong about vortex, here on earth when you stir water, you are actually stiring the whole medium, and in space there is no medium, so how can a vortex be there?
when a black hole is revolving it too creates a vortex and the vortex are at its poles, the poles on which it is spinning
this vortex is made up of dust and gas which black hole once devoured, x-rays, u-v's, radio waves and cosmic waves
and believe it or not, these vortex are so long, sometimes even span through and through a galaxy
these vortex are so large and powerful that they can ev

but these are less destructive from the hunger and striving of the black hole. its mass keeps increasing and hence gravity
nothing can ever come out of it. on earth we k

if ever we created it, it will first destroy our planet by attracting everything, including the hot-molten-iron-lava inside, and turning whole planet upside down, well we will talk about it later, light, focus on light.
bottom line we cannot bend light by attraction, but black holes can, there force of gravity is such that it not only bends light but even absorbs it all the way.
your next question must be that, if they dont have there own light (as then name suggest-black) and they dont reflect light visible to our eyes, then how the hell are they detected at first place.
black holes are not pinned at one place, they move, and we humans have a big keen eye up there called Hubble telescope, it keeps 24X7, 365days its eyes looking for changes, when astronomers find that there was a no stars visible in that area and after few years suddenly becomes visible, they match years of photographs and then after there finding they declare that there might be/is a black hole there, destroying things.
such are black holes detected in space.
but i too am still wondering about a fact,
we know that light is energy, infact every thing in this universe is energy as per Einstein energy and mass are inter-convertible, so where is this energy it being converted into mass, if yes, what kind of mass is that?
what metal/non metal it converts itself?
what will happen when the mass increases like anything and it again becomes very big o initial size but huge mass.
my question is only, 'then what?'
we dont know yet, if you think you know, tell me as well,
why we dont know because our time frame is much smaller than that of stars, like we see moths, they are born and die on same day, there lifepsan is of 24hrs, but from there perspective they are born, become adult, mate and give eggs, and then die, for then we, humans are like those stars to us,, eternal-immovable-dormant-mysterious etc etc
so we have to wait for years, maybe decades, maybe centuries to get an answer of what might be happening to black holes...........
what might happen?
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