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Mythology : Roman Gods - Ceres


She is the god of food plants and motherly love. Particularly growing of cereals. Pronunciated as Keres. She was daughter of Saturn and Ops, wife-sister of Jupiter, mother of Proserpina from Jupiter and sister of Juno, Vesta, Pluto and Neptune.
According to the mythology, she wanted Jupiter to place Sicily in heavens, as a result there was a constellation named after the triangular shape and old name of Sicily, it was named Triangulum. Her cult was overlaid by that of Demeter, who was worshipped in Greece and Sicily. According to the tradition, her cult was introduced into Rome in 496 BC to check famine.
She had twelve minor god

Vervactor : Who turned fallow land.

Obarator: He plowed surface.

Occator : The harrower

Sarritor : He removed weeds.

Subruncinator : Who thinned out.

Messor : The harvester

Conuector : Who carted

Conditor : He stored


Promitor : He Distributed

And her Greek equivalent is Demeter. Ceres made up a trinity with Liber and Libera, who were two other agricultural gods.

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